Article: Created in God’s Image — Humanity’s Doxological Vocation



Through a series of fascinating chance encounters, I made connection with several members of the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board team who work with the various seminaries in Latin and South America. After several months of communication, I began to build a friendship with Dr. David Riker who is the president of Faculdade Teológica Batista Equatorial-Oficial in Belém, Brazil. Dr. Riker invited me to write an article in their upcoming theological journal which will address the topic of worship.

I plan to visit the seminary some time in the Fall of 2014 to lecture and explore future partnerships with FBC Keller. The seminary has a long history of artistic gospel ministry and I’m excited about the future possibilities.

The article I wrote, “Created in God’s Image: Humanity’s Doxological Vocation,” is a summary of my dissertation and addresses issues of our identity and purpose for life.

The paper examines worship from the perspective of humanity’s creation in the image of God. It synthesizes several historical interpretations of the doctrine of the imago Dei and proposes a vocational understanding. This approach views humanity’s created purpose as a calling to display and embody the glory of God. As believers understand their vocation as a life of worship, this transforms individual spiritual disciplines and corporate worship. The Holy Spirit works to spiritually form believers into the image of Christ, who is the glory and supreme image of the Father. Therefore, all corporate and private worship is at its core, Christ-centered. The paper concludes with several suggestions to transform public worship, including prayer, congregational song, Scripture reading, and the proclamation of the Word of God.


Created in God’s Image



Director of Worship Studies at California Baptist University; Husband to Lindsey; Dad to 4 Awesome Kids; Lover of God, Music, and LSU